Monday, September 27, 2010

Hey, It's Hot Here

Well so much for the mild summer as autumn would like to cook us.  I do believe the high here today in LA was 112F.  Yesterday at 109F was hotter than Saturday's temp. which was around 98F.  I didn't go to the fair on the hottest day!  Even at 3:30p when we got there, it was allot cooler than that.  We had a fun time and I have some pix to show ya soon.  I haven't been too busy at the shop today but I didn't think I would be.  The TV and radio media are busy telling everybody to stay indoors and keep outta the heat and that kills my business.  BUT, if I didn't have AC here I would have gone to my sis' at the beach and just stayed there until it cooled off.  So it's ice tea and cold food day.  We'll survive!  Hope you are in cooler territory and having a wonderful Monday!  I'm sure I'm not the only one dreaming of owning one of these right now!

I brought my new crochet project in to work on and I 'm glad I did, so now I'm gonna go work on it. 

OKAY, so we had a record breaker of 113F today and it's still hot out, 102F right now at 6:45p!  I'm not leaving the AC, I'm hanging out at the shop until about 9pm.  Maybe it will be cooler by then.  I hope so.


Pammy Sue said...

Pretty new wallpaper! It looks like you. ;) Or at least it looks like what I think of as you.

ElenaRegina said...

Ciao Annielizabeth,grazie di essere passata nel mio blog,per me è un grande piacere conoscere il tuo blog e le bellissime foto.Un caro saluto dall'ITALIA ciao Elena