Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Men in Brown

Come and meet the "Cream of the Crop" at United Parcel Service.  They help me make my business go 'round.  These guys work really hard and really long days.  When I think I'm working late, I'll be driving up the street and see a UPS truck still out delivering so I know they get home late and rarely eat dinner with their families. 
Here are my regular UPS helpers:
This is Danny.  He delivers the packages for my mailbox holders every afternoon.  On some days, I take packages off his hands that can't be delivered to my neighboring businesses because they are out to lunch.  This saves him from making a trip back.

This is Joel (he looks serious in this pic but he's friendly, really).  He picks up all my outgoing packages everyday about 4-4:30ish.  He just hurt his knee and he's taking a bit of time off.  I'll miss you, Get Well Soon, Joel!

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