Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEE!

Hi!  It's been awhile since I posted!  I've been super busy, I'll explain in another post...

It was my b-day yesterday and I just couldn't justify closing the shop since I took a Saturday a couple weeks ago for my mom's b-day party.  So instead, I just told everyone that crossed my path yesterday that it was my b-day and I got lotsa happy b-day greetings.  I even had one customer who unbeknownst to me, likes to do karaoke and he sang a beautiful happy birthday song to me.  I've lost a little weight and so I felt I could get a little sponge cake with raspberries and whip cream to celebrate in the afternoon!

My sis, her hubby, JD and kids are coming up to stay the night and then JD is gonna do some electrical work and we'll go see the Griffith Park Observatory  that is just up the road from us because I've wanted them to see it before we moved away.  Then we'll come back and have some cake and ice cream for my b-day.

I hope you are doing something fun and staying cool!


Pammy Sue said...

Aww...happy birthday AnnieLiz! My hubby's bday was Monday. So you're a Leo, huh? Scorpios and Leos get along famously! No wonder we like each other. :O

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday Annie! Hope it was a wonderful day!!! And thank you for all the nice comments you leave on my blog :)

Are you a Scorpio too Pammy Sue? I am too :)

lovestitch said...

Wow! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! Hope you have a special day! Enjoy it and have a happy, happy year!
Love and hugs, xo

Kris said...

Happiest of Happy Birthdays to you Annie! ENJOY! I have missed you!!!

Josie said...

Happy belated birthday, Annie! My oldest son shares the same bday (17) so how 'bout that?! We were celebrating at the same time on Aug 5th! I hope you had a great time with your family and at the Observatory. It's been YEARS since I've been there...I think it was my 8th bday. Went to the planetarium show, but what I remember most was the amazing view of the city.

Have the best week :-) xJosie

annielizabeth said...

Thanks so much for the b-day wishes. You're all so sweet!

Linda said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Annie! I hope it was everything you wished for. That dessert looks pretty darn good. :)

How was the observatory?

DaCraftyLady said...

happy birthday to you...what cha been up to??? Miss talking with you... Debb

Kris said...

ANNIE!! I was so happy to see your comment on my blog today! WHERE on earth have you been? I have missed you!
Come out and play with us.